Welcome to Anti Fines
Here's a page dedicated to supporting librarians that think charging fines hurts libraries. Here are some administrative details:
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Why does collecting fines hurt libraries?
Fines are a barrier to providing service.
How will we get our items back into the library?
Implement a "no overdue" policy in which patrons that have even one item overdue (that can't be renewed) can't check out any more library materials.
How can I get my library to stop collecting fines?
In most cases you'll have to show that the money you're bringing in via fines isn't worth the staff time it takes to collect them. You could also take a survey of your patrons and see what *they* have to say. The lack of revenue and negative attention drawn to the library should be sufficient reason to stop
Libraries that don't charge fines
Forest Grove Public Library - Forest Grove, OR
North Plains Public Library - North Plains, OR
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